Thursday, January 14, 2010

lady gaga purdue

Lady Ga Ga has cancelled her latest, Purdue concert tonight.

The Purdue University show has been rescheduled for 7:20 p.m. on January 26 at Elliott Hall of Music. All those with tickets for Thursday's show can still use them for January 26.

R&B singer Jason DeRulo, who sings the No. 1 hit "Whatcha Say," will still perform first, followed by New York City rockers Semi Precious Weapons before headliner Gaga struts onto the stage.

The reason given for Lady Gaga’s cancellation was “sudden illness” as reported by Purdue Convocations director Todd Wetzel earlier in the evening, when he addressed a restless crowd of eager concert attendees.

“No PlAcE LiKe www.pericardial-mesothelioma-symptoms.Co.CC”

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